Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Are you prepping?

As the Community Coordinator of Garden Source Spiritual Center, one might believe that I am a bit more hip to current events and the like; however, quite the opposite is true.  I tend to avoid local news like the plague and national & international news are not even a blip on my proverbial radar.  But, being of the age of the internet, when the news is big enough, it will pass before my eyes unbidden. 

I will not preach of how horrible the acts were that are going unpunished or the whys and what fors.  It is not for me to judge.  But there are more ticked-off people in the United States than I have been aware of in a very long time.  The website for the city of Cleveland, OH, is shut down while the FBI investigates that little bit of homegrown hacker terrorism.  And I fear that news out of Ferguson, MO, will not end quietly.

So, are you prepping?  Do you have adequate emergency water and food storage?  Know how to use a gun, bow, or other hunting/defense weapon?

What will you do if your malls, grocery stores, and government buildings are being rioted?  Or if in the midst of the the riot, a blizzard or other natural challenge blows in to add a little more crazy to the day?

Humor me for just a moment.  Take an assessment of what is around you.  Know who you can trust... (According to Fox Mulder, "no one.")  

Let us hope, or pray if you will, that the world will take a collective breath and find some calm.  Until that happens...

Watch your 6.


Also, if you are interested in finding out more about prepping, come to any of our gatherings, many folks of the Garden are either active preppers or passive preppers (is that a real term?) and will be more than glad to answer your questions or just chat about what is on your mind.  We usually meet the Third Sunday of each month at 5 PM at the Plantory on W. Sixth St. in Lexington.  We will not be meeting in December, that is our time of Winter social and Yule party.  But, please, come out in January.  Until then, drop us a line at GardenSourceSC@gmail.com or check out our website GardenSourceSC.Org.  

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