Saturday, July 28, 2018

Why we need to protect sharks | Virgin

Every year we celebrate Shark Week and we are reminded that we need to take action to protect these magnificent creatures now – before we lose them forever.  Read more:

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Notes from the GSSC Council - July 2018

We will do a booth at the Pagan Pride Louisville including selling items or readings with cost recoup for those involved.  If you want to donate sellables, let us know.

The Chaplaincy plans to attend a Veterans Affairs informational in Louisville on July 26th.

For the August meeting, we will be reviewing proposals of definitions for "regular participation" to be a member that fit within our bylaws.  How would you define this?  Give us your feedback!

It was requested we keep an eye out for "other religion" and GSSC topics of interest texts to add to the Library.

Thank you,
--- The Council

Shop for everyone on your gift list this holiday at and Amazon donates to Garden Source Spiritual Center.

New Moon Circle reminder

Thursday, July 12th - New Moon @ Barbara's home - maybe working ritual, maybe Chapter 10 (be prepared to discuss)...  definitely bring calendars for future planning!

Always a potluck. Gathering begins at 5:30 PM. 

Please respond to email with any questions.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Garden Source Spiritual Center

Come join us this Sunday, July 8, 2018, at 1084 Whipple Court in Lexington, Kentucky (Employment Solutions building). 

Council meeting at 2:30 PM.
Fellowship and potluck at 5 PM.
Topic: Holistic Management

Bring a dish for the potluck if you are able. Looking forward to seeing you there!