Sunday, June 22, 2014

Hope you all had a wonderful Solstice

All of the events this week had me puzzled.  And in my puzzlement, I made today, the 22nd, the Summer Solstice.  Not off by much, but... 
bad Pagan, I am.

Nonetheless, I hope each of you had a good one.  I attended a memorial for one of my UU elders.  It was lovely, and crowded.  People just stood up from their seats and shared thoughts and memories.  I kept mine to myself at that time, but will share it here, as I'm sure it will bring a smile to some.

When I think of Bob Stebbins, I remember the day I attended fellowship right after getting my Mother's Day pedicure.  I was sporting new sandals and sparkly, colored toe nails.  Bob apparently took notice.  After service, he asked if I had read the story of the siren who seduced by wiggling her toes.  No, I still haven't read that story and now I really want to, but I don't know the name or the author.  It was just the funniest conversation I could think of having right after fellowship, but truth is stranger than fiction.  Bob was an expert at making people smile.

Anyway, back to Summer Solstice, I wanted to share a great quote from True Blood, season 1, episode 3, as spoken by the character of Bill Compton:

"You think that it's not magic that keeps you alive? Just because you understand the mechanics of how something works, doesn't make it any less of a miracle. Which is just another word for magic. We're all kept alive by magic, Sookie. My magic's just a little different from yours, that's all."

All of us have our own different magic.  And isn't that just grand?!  Some of us even have our magic a day late.  *smile* 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

We are finally official!

Greetings All,

I am proud to announce that all the hard work of the last three years to develop bylaws and articles of incorporation have finally come to fruition. On June 15th, 2014, the Membership adopted both the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation at our annual membership meeting.

Yesterday, June 18th, 2014, I visited the Office of the Secretary of State for the Commonwealth of Kentucky where I filed our Articles of Incorporation. Within ten minutes our articles were accepted and assigned the Organization Number 0890160, which means we are officially accepted, in good standing, as a Nonprofit Corporation. Our official name is Garden Source Spiritual Center Inc. (the Inc is required by Kentucky law). You can download and view both documents on our website under Legal or you can follow this link.

Congratulations to you all.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Archery Fundraiser

What:  Waco Archery Team Fundraiser at Truck and Tractor Pull

Where:  Madison County Fairgrounds

When:  Saturday, June 14th  (Team will be setting up at 5:30 PM)

The Waco Archery Team will sell Ale 8-1 drinks, Kettle Corn, Cotton Candy, and Sno-Cones.  They will also be operating an Inflatable Slide.  This fundraiser is to help the team with transportation and other costs associated with their attending the NASP World Archery Tournament in Madison, Wisconsin, in July.

We hope you can come out to enjoy the Show and help support the team.  

Thank you!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Morning Weight Loss Tip

Check out this article from Women's Health... I believe the tip might surprise you!

Sunday, June 1, 2014


I wanted to share this image with you all.  Feel free to pass it along.
