Monday, July 26, 2021

August is almost here!

Greetings!  All of us at the Garden hope your summer has been fun, safe, and healthy thus far. Before you know it, the children will be taking classes again and this warm weather will be waning. We are still not meeting in person for the health and welfare of our members and friends, so no August 1st fellowship. 
Good thoughts and healing energy that Covid will not keep us slowed down any longer than necessary. 
If you need to reach out to us, please do so thru our website or look for us on Facebook or Twitter.
Many blessings to you in these trying times. 

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Summertime and the living is easy

And hot, and rainy....  
Wishing you a not too hot and not too rainy holiday weekend.  
Garden Source Spiritual Center is still virtual at this time and will not be meeting on Sunday.  Blessings to you all for hanging in here with us. 
Be safe and have fun. We hope to see smiling faces in person sooner rather than later.
Meanwhile, if you need to reach out to us, our website is
Have a wonderful July!