Sunday, September 27, 2020

No meeting October 4th

Dear friends, 

Another month goes by without being in one another's presence. It is still not wise for us to gather inside at this time. I hope you all have stayed well and kept your minds occupied with the good we can find in the world around us. The leaves are falling in my yard and the time to prepare livestock for winter is at hand. My Morning Glories are still peeking out, but fewer now. I am always excited at the coming of Halloween, but this year could redefine how we celebrate the holiday for the next generation of children. What can you do?  Holding on to my positive and hoping for the best. 

Much love to you all, 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Merry Mabon 🍁

I just wanted to share this video with our friends who are interested in paganism. 
While it doesn't apply to all geographic areas, it has lots of basic information to build on, especially for folks who are still learning about paganism and the wheel of the year. 
I hope you all are well and enjoying this time with someone you love.
Autumn blessings,

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Happy Labor Day!

Greetings friends,

School has started back and I am in third grade again.  The work is much better organized than the end of last school year.  I could continue this indefinitely if they keep up the quality of communication.  Just so tired from getting up so early after a summer of sleeping in.  

Praying you all are well.  Missing having extended community, but enjoying home much more than I used to.  Flowers have been split and spread out, mints and thyme transplanted, even a tomato plant has survived.  All with the help of friends because of my lack of mobility, but it is awesome to watch things grow and change.  

What has made me most happy is the abundance and good health of my Morning Glories!  (Seeds for Moonflower have been obtained - fingers crossed for Spring.)  I want to get an earlier start next year and try a variety of food and flower seeds to see what will grow for me.  The seeds are just waiting for the time to come.  It will be kept small and in my flower garden, but any food that doesn't require going out to the store will be a blessed treat.  

Let me know what is going on in your yard as we head into the middle of harvest season.  Send pics and stories directly to me at to be shared on our blog.

Blessed Be,

Barbara, your humble Community Coordinator

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

No in-person services

We are still not meeting in person for meetings and fellowships. There will be no service on Sunday, September 6, 2020. If you need to reach out to us, please see the contacts tab on our website

I hope this finds you all well and content.
Much love and may blessings, 