Thursday, March 13, 2014

Permaculture Forest Gardening

This will be the topic of this Sunday's fellowship.  As usual, we will be meeting at the Plantory at 5 PM for fellowship and potluck/social time.

A good site to check out in relation to the topic is  This is a site by a man, a true practiced expert, who does an excellent job showing and explaining how we can plant balanced stable permanent food forest gardens.  Free videos, however you do have to sign in to access them -- don't be turned off by that!

was previously shared
 and this for the basis for
our fellowship topic
great information
 for anyone growing all their own food.

If growing your own food, or just being secure in being able to provide for your family on the cheap, interests you, I'd suggest checking out these sites and coming to share your thoughts with us on Sunday, March

Hoping to keep the cold at bay.  If you would like to find out more about our Garden, please visit our website.  Much love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. There will also be seed and coupon exchanges during the potluck/social hour for those who are interested in participating.


Please share your thoughts and make us aware of other events in the Central Kentucky/Bluegrass Area that may be of interest to members of The Garden.