Friday, June 14, 2019

Go-to vaccine education list

10 myths and their refutations with sources.  Especially the "toxins" and "shedding" parts.

Part of a larger play list, this is an excellent series on how immunity works. B cells and T cells are key to specific immunity, which is what vaccines trigger without the getting-sick part.  Memory T cells are 'experienced' after exposure and are why we have an effective response for years.

As for religious exemptions:

"You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant." 
-- Harlan Ellison

Now you, too, can have an informed opinion on vaccines. Or, if you do not want to learn this (or any special topics), there's nothing wrong with deferring to experts, and nothing wrong with getting second opinions - from other experts. 


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