Upcoming New Moon Circle meetings and events:
All begin at 5:30 PM and located at Sandra's home unless otherwise noted:
May 29th - New Moon Circle Memorial Day Celebration and Social. Think hotdogs, hamburger, and barbecue family time. This is Potluck as usual, time may shift to earlier. Open invite, bring friends and neighbors! Let's have a good time.
June 5th - wrap up Mystic Secrets 3 - 5, potluck as usual. Mystic Secrets attached as rich text format for anyone needing a copy.
*We will be starting "True Magick" (Second Edition) by Amber K in July. If you need a copy and cannot find one, it is on Amazon and I am willing to do the leg work if folks need me to order a paperback copy for them. If you want Kindle, you will need to order that directly to avoid account confusion. If $ is problem, talk to me offline, orders going out after June 5th meeting.*
June 19th - Summer Solstice - ritual and potluck - need a leader for this - any volunteers?
July 3rd - Old-Fashioned Ice Cream Social to celebrate birthdays and Independence Day! - bring some type of ice cream, topping, dessert, or other treat or beverage to share. Open Invite, bring friends and family and have a SWEET time!
July 17th - Begin working with True Magick book curriculum and potluck as usual.
July 31st - Lughnasadh (Loaf Harvest) - ritual and potluck - need a leader - volunteer?
August 14th - potluck and planning.
More info? contact newmoonofky-owner@yahoogroups.com or reply to me directly.
Blessings to you and yours as we heat up for a busy and hot Summer!
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