Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Belated Merry Beltaine!

I am just now returning to the mundane world after an awesome Beltaine experience at the Snyder Farm.  This was an amazing weekend and the full moon was so beautiful.

I hope that each of you had as good a time.  Sadly, my cell phone is casualty of trip. So, I cannot be called or texted until the replacement arrives.  Thankfully, I have insurance.

Since the wheel of the year has moved a bit further and the weather is warming up, I wanted to share with you a few thoughts from Kentucky Utilities about Spring Cleaning:

1.  Remove dust from light bulbs, electronic devices and vents to help them perform at maximum capacity.
2.  Replace old light bulbs with high-efficiency LED or compact fluorescent bulbs.
3.  Take a few extra minutes to vacuum the refrigerator coils.
4.  Install energy-saving showerheads, faucets or flow restrictors.
5.  Plug your televisions, computers and DVD players into a power strip.  That makes it easier to turn them off when you're not using them and back on when you need them.
6.  Flip the switch on ceiling fans so they can circulate counterclockwise.  That helps cut down on air conditioner use.
7.  Seal any air leaks to help prevent cool air from escaping.

Brightest Blessings!

Vincit qui patitur.

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