First, my apologies if you see this post in multiple places and also for taking so darn long to get this information out of my head and onto the intrawebs! Life has been challenging of late, as it is known to be for all of us.
Second, some dates to remember and look forward to:
This Sunday, February 15, 3 PM Garden Council Meeting, 5 PM Garden Source Spiritual Center Fellowship and Potluck, both at the Plantory, 501 West Sixth Street, Suite 250, Lexington, KY 40508. Fellowship topic will be Compassionate Language and Communications within the context of LGBT and transition... or Compassionate Communications, for short. :-) Dru will be our guest as we have an open conversation about what is and is not appropriate speech and how to be more thoughtful before placing foot firmly in mouth. A really appropriate topic for Valentine Weekend in my humble opinion. (BTW, Happy V Day for those who celebrate it.)
Monday, February 23, 2 PM ish (it is ok to arrive earlier), New Moon Circle will be having planning meeting and potluck at Sandra's home. We will also be having a jelly-making activity! Bring your jelly jars, sugar, juice, etc. Sandra has the sure-jell and the know-how. NMC will be planning Beltaine rituals (see below) and future dates to meet for ritual, activities, learning and celebration together.
SAVE THE DATE: Garden Source Spiritual Center in cahoots with New Moon Circle and our ever widening community of family and friends will be celebrating Beltaine for our first time together the weekend of May 1st at the Snyder Farm in Wilmore, KY. Camping will be Friday and Saturday nights, breakdown on Sunday. A few rituals will be thrown in and a whole bunch of family-friendly fun. Being our first time together, we are just pulling from many directions to create our own traditions so that everyone can find joy for the holiday. More information to come....
Lastly, Eric, Levia, and family have been shined on by fortune and foresight thusly securing a new home that is lease to own! I am so happy for them, but there is much to relocating a family. If you have a few hours on a day that you will be in Lexington and you want to help out, please contact Levia directly. (I can provide her info if need be.) They have paid up rent at both the old and new places thru the end of February, so any time folks can pitch in would be greatly appreciated.
I do hope this message finds everyone well and warm and that I will be able to see many of your smiling faces this Sunday for fellowship.
Brightest Blessings!
(PS - If I have forgotten anything, please send me a note.)
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