All of the events this week had me puzzled. And in my puzzlement, I made today, the 22nd, the Summer Solstice. Not off by much, but...
bad Pagan, I am.
Nonetheless, I hope each of you had a good one. I attended a memorial for one of my UU elders. It was lovely, and crowded. People just stood up from their seats and shared thoughts and memories. I kept mine to myself at that time, but will share it here, as I'm sure it will bring a smile to some.
When I think of Bob Stebbins, I remember the day I attended fellowship right after getting my Mother's Day pedicure. I was sporting new sandals and sparkly, colored toe nails. Bob apparently took notice. After service, he asked if I had read the story of the siren who seduced by wiggling her toes. No, I still haven't read that story and now I really want to, but I don't know the name or the author. It was just the funniest conversation I could think of having right after fellowship, but truth is stranger than fiction. Bob was an expert at making people smile.
Anyway, back to Summer Solstice, I wanted to share a great quote from True Blood, season 1, episode 3, as spoken by the character of Bill Compton:
"You think that it's not magic that keeps you alive? Just because you understand the mechanics of how something works, doesn't make it any less of a miracle. Which is just another word for magic. We're all kept alive by magic, Sookie. My magic's just a little different from yours, that's all."
All of us have our own different magic. And isn't that just grand?! Some of us even have our magic a day late. *smile*