Garden Source Spiritual Center will have its Annual Membership Meeting on Sunday, June 15, 2014, at 2:30 PM. Our location will be at the Plantory, 560 East Third Street, Lexington.
We would like as many members as possible to be present as we will be voting to approve the proposed Bylaws and the Articles of Incorporation to move forward in our steps to becoming a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization. If you cannot be present, you can give someone your written proxy. We would like to have the input of as many members as possible because of the depth of importance these documents hold.
In order to achieve a quorum, we need 14 members present in body or proxy to make the vote happen. If you are unable to be at the meeting in body, please give your written proxy to a member that you know is attending.
Please respond to this message (or email me directly) if you need a proxy person, but are not sure who to reach out to or how to contact them.
This will also be a potluck, so bring a dish to share if you are able!
Hoping this finds you all well.
Brightest Blessings,
Community Coordinator GSSC