Sunday, July 26, 2020

Checking in!

Hope you all are having a great July. Staying busy at home and healthy has been my goal and thoroughly enjoying the yard. 

There will not be an in-person Garden Source fellowship in August (it would have been this coming Sunday). I, personally, wanted to share a food-for-thought video.  We do not push or endorse any political stances within our Garden; however, I feel, talking about bias is a human existence conversation. 

So, for  your consideration, "Let's talk about bias."

Blessed be, 

Sunday, July 5, 2020

No July Fellowship today

July snuck up and I missed reminding folks that we are still not meeting in person. I do hope that was understood as a foregone conclusion. 

May the sun not beat down on you too harshly as we navigate our world and stay as healthy as possible.  July 4th was a good time at home... so many fireworks, gonna have to finish them tonight [and hopefully not further annoy the neighbors].

Wear your masks! Stay healthy at home as much as possible! Our world has changed, it is not easy for anyone, but we have to take care of one another, even if that means staying apart.

~Rev. B.