In February, we had 76 FB followers and had a successful but small FB add to bring in views. We also decided make sure our Dunn & Bradstreet listing is up-to-date (It is often used by important foundations for grants and that the government always uses it; It is free).
In March, we had 78 FB followers and had another successful FB add to bring in more views than before. Thank Love for her beautiful adds and keep liking and sharing FB posts to get attention.
A reminder for everyone to fill out any volunteer hours on the tracking form @
Lastly, Lyla Cook has approached us to maintain and develop the gardens and land behind the Employment Solutions building. Included in this could include teaching classes on what we do (i.e. growing, picking, canning, weeding, etc.). The council asks for details on what EACH MEMBER might be able to contribute to this proposal. Send your ideas and how much time you may be able to commit to the council so that we can make an adequate judgement on what can be done. This looks like an excellent way to grow awareness to our group!
Thank You,
--The council