Saturday, November 25, 2017

"Inmates Enroll in Crochet Program"

"This story is 5 years old or older [has been on YouTube that long]. 
Hey, Department of Corrections, we can do this everywhere.  Charity programs all over the world need free hats, scarves, socks, gloves, blankets, and literally anything that can be knitted or crocheted for cold weather protection items.
I challenge you to do this for charity and set up more traditional work programs to help with rehabilitation and reintegration.
Use your noggins and stay away from corporate governance. You are caretakers of a portion of our society that are still human, need love and respect and direction.
We can all do better.
(Dear readers, if you are cold and could use a scarf or hat, or other clothing, please contact me at"
~Rev. Barbara

The Greening of Paganism

Peg Aloi, who studies Paganism in the media, seriously questions whether we Pagans have lived up to that challenge:
"There are now hundreds of thousands of people who identify as 'pagan' or 'Wiccan' or 'Druid' … who have never conducted a ritual out of doors, who have never attended a festival at a campground, who have never planted a garden in honor of the Eternal Return of the Earth Mother in spring. Do [we] discuss the gods and [our] ritual practices and spells and theology? Sure! But do [we] get their hands dirty, in actual dirt?"
Read more:

Come join the conversation on December 3, 2017, 5 PM at 1084 Whipple Court in Lexington, Kentucky. 

Please share this on your social media or blog, especially if you live nearby.  We want to hear from a variety of viewpoints from Pagans and other humans so that we may learn from one another and, hopefully, get back on track to loving our planet and helping it thrive.

Bring a dish for the potluck if you are able. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Dominion over the Earth?

How much healing does the Earth really need versus how much healing does civilization need? As the conversation goes it rapidly becomes apparent that we're also talking about the varying levels of dominion being exercised upon us and that we exercise over our experiences. 

[Pagan Parents on the Edge] Dominion Over the Earth?? via @PodcastAddict

Come continue the conversation on December 3, 2017, 5 PM at 1084 Whipple Court in Lexington, Kentucky. 

Please share this on your social media or blog, especially if you live nearby.  We want to hear from a variety of viewpoints from Pagans and other humans so that we may learn from one another and, hopefully, get back on track to loving our planet and helping it thrive.

Bring a dish for the potluck if you are able. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Paganism, Magic, and the Control Of Nature

"Animistic goddess religions succumbed under the onslaughts of patriarchy, monotheism and science. The world urgently needs eco-centered, not ego-centered, religions, blending reverence for nature with knowledge of its complexity. Paganism, if it treats magic as an expression of wonder and not a means of control, could be one of these religions."

Come join the conversation on December 3, 2017, 5 PM at 1084 Whipple Court in Lexington, Kentucky. 

Please share this on your social media or blog, especially if you live nearby.  We want to hear from a variety of viewpoints from Pagans and other humans so that we may learn from one another and, hopefully, get back on track to loving our planet and helping it thrive.

Bring a dish for the potluck if you are able. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Straight Talk about the Pagan Identity Crisis

"There are valuable things to be gained from pursuing respectability: Respectability means being able to share our beliefs with our friends and neighbors openly — not just on the Internet. Respectability means our children can be raised Pagan openly, without fear of interference by well-intentioned, but misinformed social workers and courts. Respectability means being able to be openly Pagan in the workplace. Respectability means being a greater part of the inter-faith movement. Respectability means having more influence in theological studies. Respectability means having greater influence on critical social and political issues that concern us, including the environment, women's rights, minority rights, animal rights, and so on. Respectability means power … power to bring about change according to our collective will. And that is a kind of magic that all Pagans should be interested in."

Join the discussion with us at our next fellowship on Sunday, December 3rd, 5 PM at 1084 Whipple Court in Lexington. 

Monday, November 13, 2017

Open discussion for next GSSC fellowship, Dec. 3rd

For a little something different, Garden Source Spiritual Center will have an open discussion in December. 
Whether science is your religion, or religion is your science, all humans have one thing in common... we live on planet Earth. So, at what point did humans, specifically Pagans, become disconnected from the concept of Earth stewardship and loving Our Mother? Living simply so that others may simply live?
Come join the conversation on December 3, 2017, 5 PM at 1084 Whipple Court in Lexington, Kentucky. 
Please share this on your social media or blog, especially if you live nearby.  We want to hear from a variety of viewpoints from Pagans and other humans so that we may learn from one another and, hopefully, get back on track to loving our planet and helping it thrive.
Bring a dish for the potluck if you are able. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Thanksgiving - Open Invitation

Thursday, November 23 - 4 PM (or when Turkey is done) - Thanksgiving! - hosted by Sandra, Patrick, and Roger - come and go as your schedule dictates - bring a dish to share if you are able. 

More info? Address?Directions?Contact

Thanksgiving Open Invite

Thursday, November 23 - 4 PM (or when Turkey is done) - Thanksgiving! - hosted by Sandra, Patrick, and Roger - come and go as your schedule dictates - bring a dish to share if you are able. 

More info? Directions?Contact

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Light the Night, tonight!

November 5th
is 'Light the Night'! 

Saturday 9:30pm EST
Focus: Positive Energy
This is a simple ritual to raise your light and join it with others, though afar. We are each a flame in the darkness, burning on. Spread the light so that others may shine as brightly as you do. Let's blast everything with positive energy in hopes for a brighter future!
Go outside your home with a candle. As you light it, say: "As the flame rises, the magic grows. As I join my light, the circle glows. As we work from afar, our hearts beat as one. As it always has been and always shall be, I remain a part of thee".
Raise your candle and visualize your candle sending your positive energy out in every direction, as far as the mind can imagine. Wave after wave, ripples on a pond. 
Many Blessings, friends! Remember fire safety.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Garden Source, This Sunday, November 5th

Please join us for fellowship and potluck at 5 PM at our new location 1084 Whipple Court, Lexington, KY.  This month's topic is the religion of Ifa presented by Rev. Cindy Bidwell Glaze. 
All are welcome to join us before fellowship for the Council meeting at 2:30 PM (same location).

Any who are interested are welcome to join New Moon Circle in celebrating Samhain and Day of the Dead with potluck and ritual led by Ayla tomorrow, Nov. 2nd, 5:30 PM at the home of Sandra.  If you need directions or more info, please email me directly.

Happy Celtic New Year and blessings for the year ahead,