Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Summer Solstice Full Moon

Hope everyone enjoyed last night's full moon during Summer Solstice. Blessings for the new season! Looking forward to camping with the Fae this weekend.

Mahalo, Rev. Barbara.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Children and Animals

Below is yet another news piece about a child coming to harm by a large wild animal.   The jury is out on who to blame in all the incidents of late, but praises to this mom for literally prying her child from the jaws of death.

Please be aware of your surroundings and the possibility of encountering a large *potentially dangerous* animal, be they caged or not.  Humans need to be cautious and respectful of nature at all times.

On a personal note, my heart weeps for the loss and trauma suffered by these families, but I have shed tears for the loss of the animals as well. We are all part of Earth's family. Humans do not stand above Nature, we are part of it and must seek balance. ~Rev. Barbara.

Colorado Mother Yanks Boy From Mountain Lion's Grip in Front Yard - NYTimes.com: 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

2016 General Membership Meeting Reminder

2016 General Membership Reminder: 
This Sunday,
June 12, 2016
3 PM
At Sandra's Home

All members are requested to be present to be brought up to date with the past year's activities and accomplishments and vote on current agenda items. We will also have a presentation about Melalueca. See http://www.melaleuca.com/levia.

Any questions or concerns, please email GardenSourceSC@gmail.com.