Friday, February 21, 2014

Do Just One Thing

I wanted to share this column with you:

Every single day, this nationally syndicated column "Do Just One Thing" offers just that: one simple, easy, money-saving idea that helps the environment and helps you live a greener life. 

Check the archives for great ideas!


Hope the storms have passed you by and left you safe and sound.
Much love and many hugs to you all.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mitch Barrett will be in Richmond, March 2nd

A local Appalachian-folk performer whom I have followed for years will be performing at the Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship of Madison County on Sunday, March 2nd, as their regular service at 10:45 AM.

The fellowship is located at 1081 Willis Branch Rd, Richmond, KY 40475.

Anyone who is interested in local music or storytelling will enjoy Mitch's presentation.

You can find out more about the fellowship at and more about Mitch Barrett at

Here is a little snip of Mitch at the Kentucky Theatre in 2012 (Pearl is one of my favorites):

Hope you all can come out and have a rousing good Sunday morning as we head toward Spring.  Much love.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Upcoming Fellowship Topics

We have missed you! 
The cold weather has deterred many from coming out to the Plantory to enjoy some social and educational time.

I wanted to take this opportunity to share our upcoming topics:

March 16 - Love presenting Permaculture Forest Gardening (bring seeds for swap)

April 20 - (To Be Announced)

May 18 - SonnyD presenting Moving toward the Domes

June 15 - General Membership Meeting

July 20 - SonnyD presenting Introduction to Renewable Energy

Remember, we are not trying to replace your normal worship, but enhance your connection with the greater community. Please join us. If you have any questions or concerns, contact us thru our main website.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Fellowship this Sunday, The Importance of Food and Water Storage

Service will be at 5 PM at the Plantory.  
We will be having a seed exchange as part of our activities.  Also, feel free to bring coupons to share.  

Remember, all are welcome to sit in with the Council, starting at 2:30 PM.  
Potluck and social time to follow service.

Hope to see you there! (If you need directions or more information, feel free to contact us thru our website.)

1 Billion Rising for Justice

Having been a part of the V-Day project in recent years, even performing in the Vagina Monologues, I'm proud to share that more and more people are becoming aware of the work of Eve Ensler and her compatriots in breaking the chains of abuse and violence against women and girls.  The most recent addition to our Vagina Army is Pink, along with her crew.
You can read the quote from Pink and view the video she made for the 1 Billion Rising for Justice campaign 2014 HERE.
This V-Day rise up, dance, and break the chain with your friends, family, and loved ones.  Let the healing start with us.

Find out more about Garden Source Spiritual Center at our main website

Monday, February 10, 2014

Global Handwashing Day...

Whilst wandering around the intrawebs to try to find answers to this virus that is vexing me, I stumbled upon Global Handwashing Day.  This event started in 2008 for schoolchildren.

This happens on October 15th, so we all have plenty of time to keep practicing washing our hands in anticipation of the event!  Good hygiene helps to keep us all well.

And I hope this note finds you all well.  I'm still fighting off whatever mysterious virus that has invaded my world.  Sending you all many germ-free hugs for a beautiful tomorrow.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Unknown Virus

I have been down and out this week with some viral infection of another world.  The doctor on Tuesday checked for flu - it is not that, so my flu shot worked.  

The fever started Sunday night and was completely over by Wednesday morning.  My throat has been sore and lymph nodes in neck have been swollen since Monday.  "Tunnel" hearing from fluid in my ears since Tuesday.  No coughing, no sneezing, other than normal dust-up-the-nose variety.  Mild headache almost constantly.  Then, Friday morning, I noticed the spots on my hand.  Today they are on both hands.  They are tender, but do not itch.  I have never seen anything like it.  

I have called off going to any public activities this weekend.  I just don't want to risk passing this to others.  And I have another doctor appointment, this time with my endocrinologist for my yearly poke and prod, on Monday morning.  I'm hoping she can shed more light on what the heck is wrong with me.

It would not be so horribly bad if I had any energy and didn't have the sore throat.  I'm a big baby when it comes to my throat, always have been.  I still wouldn't want to be around other people, but at least it would be more comfortable for me.

I just thought I should share that there is something or maybe several somethings going around that are not the flu, but just as miserable.  I'm hoping I'll be wiser come Monday.

So, until then, Wash Your Hands!, drink lots of fluids, and rest when you can.  Lots of faraway hugs to you all.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Did you know?

We can accept jar donations via PayPal!  

Sometimes you don't have cash when you mean to or the timing of life is just not working.  So, to make donating a bit easier and even more anonymous than trying to slip cash in the jar, we have a PayPal account under our address.  You can click on the donate button of our website (in the right-hand column)to start the process. 

Hope this finds you all well and happy.
Have a blessed Imbolc, Groundhog Day, Candlemas, and Charming of the Plough tomorrow!