Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer Solstice

As the sun has finally set and the full moon has risen on this longest day of the year, we hope you all have found joy in the peak of the season and have plans to spend valuable time with family and friends before the autumn rushes in on us once more.

Bright Blessings!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Fellowship This Sunday

We will be having our annual General Membership Meeting followed by Fellowship this Sunday, June 16th, starting at 2:30 PM.  If you would like to come out to meet us, all are welcome:

Title: Fellowship and Potluck - Gender Roles in Community & Family
Date: Sunday June 16, 2013
Time: 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm (GMT+00:00)
Location: The Plantory
Notes: Garden Source Spiritual Center
@ The Plantory,
560 E. Third St., Suite 105
Lexington KY 40508-1738

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Motherhood Mandala

This event was passed to me by a Garden member.  Ladies, if you are interested, please come out.  Please pass this info to a friend that may like to come out.  We have over a week to spread the word.

Here is the info I was given:

Who: All women in Lexington, especially the ones that are hurting from lost child, abortion, fertility issues, etc

What: Motherhood Mandala. This is a secular community art piece that is temporary. It is made out of cut flowers, bamboo

When: Sunday June 23rd noon-4pm

Where: Woodland park in between pool and skate park.

How: Women will curiously approach mandala space, read sign, and decide to place a flower on the outline. Then I or someone else will start convo, or suggest they write a prayer or blessing on a 'flag' and hang it from the bamboo scaffolding surrounding the mandala. They will make a connection, and might find someone else who is struggling with the same issue. Maybe someone will offer prayer to them, or begin a new friendship.


Important reminders: I have a city permit to do this, and it comes with stipulations. I cannot approach women and solicit them to come over. I cannot be advertising my business. I cannot be preaching etc. THIS IS A 'SECULAR' event!!! Yall are folks who I have invited to come and love and help the healing process. If, perchance, you of your own accord decide to offer prayer or begin a friendship with a woman then that's great- but  its organic and its holy spirit and its your faith.


I would LOVE to offer pedicures or 'foot washing' to these ladies and massage.


That being said, I do need a few things if people are willing to help out:

1. Donate cut up tee shirts that can be used as prayer flags

2. Sharpies to write prayers on the flags

3. Cut flowers, rocks, or other nature items

4. Hemp twine

5. Light refreshments 

6. Set up/ take down  crew

7. Musician who can play guitar

8. Bubbles to blow and attract attention

9. Bowls for foot washing AKA pedicures

10. Epsom salts, essential oils

11. Chairs

12. A large bag of Sunflower bird seed to make the outline

13. Clothing pins